Artificial intelligence in our school

Artificial intelligence in our school In today's fast-changing world, our priority is to provide an education that prepares our students for the challenges of the future. We are constantly looking for new ways to innovate and improve the way we educate...


Classes PRIMARY EDUCATION I.JŽ - Hedgehogs, class teacher: Mgr. Haladová Martina I.LN - Ladybirds, class teacher: Mgr. Mária Michalíková II.CHR - Bugs, class teacher: Mgr. Trnková Zuzan...

CLIL methodology

CLIL methodology CLIL - Integrated Teaching of Foreign Languages and Non-Language Subjects CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) is an educational method of teaching non-language subjects through a foreign language. It is an innovative approach...

eTwinning at our school

eTwinning in general at our school eTwinning has a permanent place in our school. Our pupils actively use all the competences they have acquired in language and non-language lessons. In every single project we have been convinced that teaching...

eTwinning projects 2023/2024

eTwinning projects 2023/2024 eSafety Comic Book (6th grade) The aim of the project is to create two ebooks in Canva environment that we can use for our future eTwinning projects on eSecurity. In the first ebook, each...

eTwinning projects 2024/2025

eTwinning projects 2024/2025 English Together (Year 9) Our project focuses on grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation development. Pupils take on the role of creators who produce both linguistic and functional content. Working in international teams,...

From us to high school

From us to high school Every school has an interest in its pupils acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills that they enhance during their secondary education. Our school offers a quality education, children not only gain an overview of the standards...

Our achievements and awards

Our achievements and awards


Projects Of course, I am an European (Year 6) The project aims to promote and increase national and European pride among students, emphasising the importance of being Polish/Slovak/European citizens, as well as to develop English language skills,...

School calendar

School calendar The beginning of the school year brings with it a lot of questions and planning for a new set of family functioning. Let's help children better understand the division of the school year and holidays, organize their time and responsibilities....

School library

School library Dear colleagues, dear pupils! We cordially invite you all to visit our renovated library of SZŠ (former CINEMA room - No. 134). We have strived to improve the facilities in such a way that they in themselves motivate children to ...

School news

School news The latest news and updates from our school. Hocus...


Timetable You can view the current timetable at this link Schedule of partner lessons with foreign lecturers Remark. - when viewing the timetable, sometimes there is a problem that the browser leaves the viewing files saved. For this reason,...
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